Contoh kalimat pelengkap subjek tanggal dan bulan dalam bahasa inggris

Tanggal (date) dan Bulan (month)

Sudah menjadi hal yang umum digunakan bahwa satu tahun terdiri dari 12 bulan dan Satu bulan 30/31 hari, atau 28/29 hari dan 1 bulan menjadi 4 minggu. Disini kita akan belajar membahas, membuat pola kalimat dan contoh beserta tanggal dan bulan dalam bahasa inggris.

Bulan bulan itu adalah:
January:  31 hari
February: 28/29 hari
March: 31 hari
April: 30 hari
May: 31 hari
June: 30 hari
July: 31 hari
Agust: 31 hari
September: 30 hari
October: 31 hari
November: 30 hari
Desember: 31 hari
Untuk menyebutkan tanggal menggunakan bilangan bilangan tingkat atau 'ordinary number', yaitu:

First(1st): pertama
Second(2nd): kedua
Third(3rd): ketiga
Fourth(4th): keempat
Fifth(5th): kelima
Sixth(6th): keenam
Seventh(7th): ketujuh
Eighth(8th): kedelapan
Ninth(9th): kesembilan
Tenth(10th): kesepuluh
Eleventh(11th): kesebelas
Twelfth(12th): kedua belas 
Thirteenth(13th): ketiga belas
Fourteenth(14th): keempat belas
Fifteenth(15th): kelima belas
Sixteenth(16th): keenam belas
Seventeeth(17th): ketujuh belas
Eighteenth(18th): kedelapan belas
Nineteenth(19th): kesembilan belas
Tweentieth(20th): kedua puluh
Tweentieth first(21): kedua puluh satu
Thirtieth(30): ketiga puluh
Thirty first(31): ketiga puluh satu.

Perhatikan cara menulis beberapa angka tingkat sebagai berikut:
a. Bilangan tingkat pertama diakhiri dengan (-st).
-kesatu: first (1st); kedua puluh satu: twenty first (21st); ketiga puluh satu = thirty-first (31st).
b. Bilangan tingkat kedua diakhiri dengan -nd.
Kedua : second (2nd); kedua puluh dua :twenty second (22nd); keempat puluh dua (42nd).
c. Bilangan tingkat ketiga diakhiri dengan -rd.
Ketiga: third (3rd); ketiga puluh tiga: thirty third(33rd); kelima puluh tiga: fifty third (53rd).
d. Bilangan tingkat keempat dan seterusnya diakhiri dengan -th.
Kesebelas : Eleventh(11 th); kedua belas: twelfth (12th); keempat puluh lima: fourty fifth(45th).

Penulisan: Pengucapan
January 1st, 2000 (January tihe first, two thousand)
January 2nd, 2000: (January the second, two thousand).
January 3rd, 1998: (January the third, nineteen ninety eight.
March 4th, 1999: (March the Fourth, nineteen ninety nine.
March 23rd, 2000: (March the twenty third, two thousand.
January 1, 2000: (January the first two thousand.
January 4, 2000: (January the fourth, two thousand)

1. Affirmative Sentence (Kalimat Positif)

a. Pola: Subject + Be (Present/ Past) + Complement

Today is 1st January 2019
Today is 22nd February 2017
Yesterday was 31st desember 2018
The day before yesterday was 30th desember 2016

b. Pola:

Subject + Will + be + Complement / Subject + Be Present + Complement

Tomorrow will be 21st march 2017/ Tomorrow is 21st march 2017
Next tuesday will be 22nd February 2018/Next tuesday is 22nd February 2017.

2. Negative Sentence (Kalimat Ingkar)

Kalimat Ingkar dibentuk dengan menambahkan NOT pada BE dan WILL.

a. Pola: Subject + Be (Present/Past) + Not + Complement

Today is not 21st march 2017 
Today is not 23rd march 2018
Yesterday was not 15th desember 2016
Last week was not 25th January 2017

b. Pola: 

Subject+Will Not+ Be+ Complement Subject+Be+Present+Not+Complement

Tomorrow will not be friday. / Tomorrow is not friday.
The day after tomorrow will not be monday./ They day after tomorrow is not monday.

3. Interrogative Sentence (Kalimat Tanya)

a. Yes-No Question:

Pola: Be+Subject+ Complement?

Is today 29th februari 2019? Yes, it is. No, it is not.
Was yesterday 28th februari 2016? Yes, it was. No, it was not.
Is tomorrow 1st 2000? Yes, it is. No, is was not.

b. Information Question
Kata tanya yang yang biasa di gunakan adalah what.

Pola: What+Complement+Be+Time?

1. Day:
What day is today? It was sunday 
What day was yesterday? It was monday.
What day is tomorrow? It is friday

2. Date:
What date is today? It is 29th march 2018.
What date was yesterday? It was 27th august 2020.
What date is tomorrow? It is 15th july 2016.

3. Month
What month is your birthday day?  
What month is your Independence day?
What month is Valentine day?

Terima kasih jangan lupa baca yang lainnya karena banyak artikel yang membahas tentang tata bahasa bahasa inggris. Sekian dan terima kasih.

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