Contoh kalimat pelengkap subjek harga dalam bahasa inggris

Uang sudah menjadi ketetapan, dan belum ada yang bisa mengantikan. Uang muncul untuk mengantikan system barter yang digunakan cara jual beli jaman dulu. Disini kita akan membahas dan mempelajari tentang mata uang atau harga barang dalam Bahasa Inggris.

1. Mata uang Dollar ($)

Symbol : Full Name : Coin (Uang Logam) dan Note (Uang Kertas)

$0.01/1c: one cent: a penny (1 sen dolar logam).
$0.05/5c: five cents: a nickel (logam 5 cen).
$0.10/10c: ten cents: a dime (logam 10 sen).
$0.25/25c: twenty five cents: a quater (logam 25 sen)
$0.50/50c: fifty cents: a half dollar (logam 1/2 dollar)
$1/$1.00: one dollar/a buck: a dollar bill/ a one (uang kertas)
$5: five dollars: a five (dollar bill)
$50: fifty dollars: a fifty (dollar bill)
$100: a/one hundred dollars: a hundred (dollar bill)

Baca Juga:Contoh kalimat pelengkap subjek tanggal dan bulan dalam bahasa inggris

2. Mata uang rupiah (Rp)

Symbol: Full Name: Coin (uang logam) and Note (uang kertas)

Rp100,00: one hundred rupiahs: a 25 rupiah coin (uang logam Rp25.00)
Rp1,000,00: one thousand rupiahs: a 50 rupiah coin (uang logam Rp50.00)
Rp5,000,00: five thousand rupiahs: a 100 rupiah coin/note(logam/kertas)
Rp100,000,00: a hundred thousand rupiahs: a 20.000 rupiah note(kertas)
Rp1.000.000,00: one million rupiahs (satu juta rupiah): a 50.000 rupiah note (kertas)
a. a 25 rupiah coin : koin Rp25.
Disini kita tidak menggunakan penanda jamak (-s) pada kata rupiah karena kata tersebut adalah kata sifat yang menerangkan kata koin.

b. Note: uang kertas
Contoh: a 1.000 rupiah note (satu lembar uang kertas senilai Rp1.000,00)

Barang barang juga bisa dijual atau dibeli dalam ukuran ukuran tertentu sebagai berikut:

* in packets (dalam bentuk paket paket)

A packet of cigarettes : satu paket rokok
A packet of biscuits: satu paket biskuit
A packet of chocolate: satu paket coklat
A packet of tea: satu paket tea

* in boxes (dalam bentuk kotak kotak)

A box of matches : satu kotak korek api
A box of eggs: satu kotak telur
A box of soap powder: satu kotak bubuk sabun.
A box of tissues: satu kotak tisu.

* in bottles (dalam botol botol)

A bottle of milk: satu botol susu
A bottlle of soft drink: satu botol minuman ringan.
A bottle of sauce: satu botol saus.
A bottle beer: satu botol bir

* in cans or tins (dalam kaleng kaleng)

A can/tin of peas: satu kaleng buncis
A can/tin of soup: satu kaleng sup
A can/tin of fruit: satu kaleng buah
A can/tin of tomatoes: satu kaleng tomat

* In jars (dalam kendi/botol botol)

A jar of jam: satu botol selai
A jar of coffee: satu botol kopi
A jar of milk: satu botol susu
A jar of marmalade: satu botol selai jeruk.

* by weight (dalam ukuran berat):

Contoh :
Buttter 250 grams: 250 grams of butter:
mentega 250gram.
Rice 2 kilos: 2 kilos of rice: beras 2 kilogram.
Vegetable 1 kilo: 1 kilo of Vegetables: satu kilo sayur mayur.
Meat 2 kilos: 2 kilos of meat: daging 2 kilo.

Other things (barang barang lain):

A cake of soap: satu batang sabun
A bag.of rice: satu kantung beras.
A loaf of bread: satu balok roti.
A sheet of paper: satu lembar kertas.

Affirmative Sentence (Kalimat Positif)

Pola.1: Subject+ Be+ Complement

The t-shirt is Rp45.000,00
The pencil is Rp500,00
The trousers are Rp125.000,00
The shoes are Rp150.000,00
The silver ring was Rp150.000,00 last month, but now it is Rp300,000,00
The pen was Rp5.000,00
A packet of cigarettes is Rp3,500,00
A loaf of bread is Rp.000,00
Two loaf of bread is Rp5.000,00
Two loaves of bread are Rp10.000,00


a. Trousers:

Trousers (celana panjang) adalah kata benda yang berbentuk jamak sehingga predikat yang digunakan juga berbentuk jamak. Hal ini yang sama untuk shoes (sepatu) dan glasses (kacamata).

Kita juga dapat menyebut benda benda tersebut seperti dibawah ini:
a pair of shoes: sepasang sepatu
a pair of glasses: sepasang kacamata

A pair of shoes is Rp150.000,00
A pair of glasses is Rp150.000,00
Two pairs of glasses are Rp300.000,00
Kita menggunakan is, bukan are karena a pair adalah bentuk tunggal (singular). Tetapi, kita menggunakan are pada two pairs yang artinya 'dua pasang' (jamak/plural).

b. A loaf : satu papan(roti)

A loaf of bread adalah bentuk tunggal sehingga predikatnya juga tunggal.

Two loaves adalah bentuk jamak dari dari loaf dan sehingga predikat nya juga jamak (are).

Pola.2: Subjek+Costs/cost+ Complement

The jacket costs Rp65,000,00
A bottle of milk costs Rp3,500,00
The skirt cost Rp195.000,00 last year
A can of peas cost Rp3.000,00 last month.

Negative Sentence(kalimat ingkar)

Pola 1: Subject+Be+Not+ Complement

The leather belt is not Rp15.000,00
The silver earrings are not Rp 60.000
The watch was not Rp250.000
The tambah was not Rp40.000

Pola 2: Subject+Do/Does/Did+Not+Complement

A bunch of Bananas does not cost Rp10.000,00
Those apples do not cost Rp25.000,00
These eggs did not cost Rp20.000,00 few minutes ago.

Interrogative Sentence (Kalimat Tanya)

1. Yes-No Question:

Pola: 1. Be+Subject+Complement?

Is the fish Rp5.000,00 each? Yes, it is. No, it is not.
Was the book Rp15.000,00? Yes, it was. No, it was not.
Are the tables Rp1.500.000,00? Yes, they are. Yes, they are not.
Were the sweaters Rp600.000,00 last month? Yes, they were. No, they were not.

Pola 2: Do/Does/Did+ Subject+ Cost+ Complement?

Does the clock cost Rp20.000? Yes, it does. No, it does not.
Do the cars cost Rp200 million last month? Yes, they do. No, they do not.
Did the shirt cost Rp50.000 last month? Yes, they did. No, they did not.

2. Information Question

Kata tanya yang digunakan adalah 'What' dan 'How much'.

Pola a: What + Do/Does/Did + Subject + Cost?

What does the gold watch cost? It costs Rp150.000,00
What do the books cost? They cost Rp45.000,00
What did the car cost last year? It cost Rp50 million.

Pola b: How much + Do/Does/Did + Subject + Cost?

How much does the watch cost? It costs Rp150.000,00
How much do the books cost? They cost Rp45.000,00
How much did the car cost? It cost Rp50 million.

Pola c: How much + Be + Subject?

How much is the pencil? It is Rp1.500,00
How much is this? It's Rp50,000.00
How much are they? They are Rp60.000,00
How much was this car last year? It was Rp60million.
How much were these books last year? They Rp50.000.00

Demikian cara bagaimana kita menggunakan harga dalam bahasa inggris. Good luck for your.

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