Contoh kalimat pelengkap subjek warna dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh kalimat pelengkap subjek warna dalam Bahasa Inggris

Semua orang pasti pernah melihat warna atau dalam bahasa inggris disebut color atau colour. Warna bisa dijadikan simbol suatu negara, daerah, ras, suku. Warna bisa menjadi label suatu perusahaan atau tempat dia bekerja.

Disini kita akan membahas berbagai jenis atau macam warna. Di bawah ini ada warna yang sering digunakan yaitu:
Black: hitam
Blue:  Biru
Brown: coklat
Green: hijau
Grey: abu-abu
Orange: jinga tua
Pink: merah muda
Red: merah
White: putih

Pada beberapa warna dibubuhkan juga kata light(terang) atau pale(muda)
Light red: merah terang
Pale blue: biru muda
Light/Pale green: hijau terang/hijau muda.

Selain itu, ada penggungkapan warna dalam bentuk kata majemuk.
Dark Red: Merah tua
Blood red: merah darah
Bottle green: hijau tua
Dove green: abu abu seperti merpati
Ice blue: biru muda
Iron grey: abu abu seperti besi
Jet black: hitam tua
Lime green: hijau kekuningan
Nut brown: coklat tua
Pea green: hijau muda
Pearl grey: abu abu seperti mutiara
Royal blue: biru terang
Sky blue: biru langit
Snow white: putih seperti salju

Kata sifat warna (adjective). Pemakaian digabungkan dengan kata benda seperti berikut:
Light blue - a light blue jacket
Sky blue - a sky blue shirt
Black hair - a black haired cat
Blue eyes - a blue eyed girl
Bila sebuah kata benda berfungsi sebagai kata sifat, akhiran -s/-es dihilangkan dan digantikan akhiran -d/-ed sebagai penunjuk kata sifat. Misalnya: a blue eyed girl, bukan a blue eyes girl.

1) Affirmative Sentence (Kalimat Positif)

a. Pola: Subjek+Be+Complement+Time

My hair is grey now. It was black years ago.
His eyes are black. Her eyes are blue.
The grass is green. That grass is brown.
The sky is blue. My shirt is blue too
Her skin is yellow. Her teeth are white.
Her hair is long. My hair is short.
Nancy's hair was long yesterday. It is short now.
The leave was green last week.  They are yellow now.

b. Pola: Subjek+Will+Be+Complement+Time

My hair will be grey in the future
This mango will be yellow when it ripes.

Kita juga bisa menyebut warna untuk menjelaskan warna pakai seseorang dengan menggunakan 'be' sebagai predikatnya.
I'm in my blue shirt
You're in your yellow jacket.
Makrina's in her light green skirt.
We're in our white and blue uniform.
My shirt is blue.
Your jacket is yellow
Her skirt is light green
Our uniform is white and blue.

The ground was black last month
She was in her grey skirt yesterday
Siang  Lin was in her white blouse
It's green now.
She's in her light red skirt now.
She's in her yellow blouse now.

Vidi will be in her blue trousers tomorrow.
They will be in their red and white uniform because tomorrow is monday.

2) Negative Sentence (Kalimat Ingkar)
a. Subjek+Be+Not+Complement+Time

My teeth are yellow now
My hat were not yellow yesterday.
Mary was not in her light green skirt.
b. Pola: Subjek+Will+Be+Complement+Time
My hair will not be grey tomorrow.
Lily will not be in her blue trouser this afternoon.

3) Interrogative Sentence (Kalimat Tanya)

a. Yes-No Question
Pola: Be+Subjek+Complement+Time?

Is your hair grey now? Yes, it is/No, it is not.
Was her skirt blue? Yes, it was/No, it was not.
Is she in her blue skirt? Yes, she is/No, she is not.

b. Information Question

Kata tanya yang digunakan disini adalah "what".
Pola: Question Word+Colour+Be+Subjek+Time?
What colour is your hair now? It's black.
What colour are her eyes? They are blue
What color are mangoes ? They are green.

Kita juga bisa menanyakan warna dengan pola kalimat berikut ini:
What is the color of your bag? It is brown and white
What is the color of her eyes? They are yellow.
What is the color of his teeth? They are white.

a. Hair (rambut) dianggap tunggal (singgular) kerena merupakan kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (uncountable noun) sehingga kalimat pertama pada contoh di atas berbunyi "what colour is your hair?".
b. Jika subjek jamak (plural), misalnya "eyes", kalimat itu berbunyi seperti contoh di atas kalimat kedua dan ketiga.

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